Photo Friday!

This week we had somewhat of a relaxing week. Nothing out of the ordinary. Your basic trip to the park, play date at a friends, coffee, trying to get caught up on laundry, I'm sure you get the drift. 

Although we did do something a tad different. We went on a little photo session with my new camera. I am still learning the ins and outs of my new Canon. I know I have to invest in a better photo editing program. I'm thinking photoshop in my future. Are you a photographer? If so, what editing program do you use? 

 Back to school photo shoot.
 Who doesn't love vintage books?! Ex specially the Bobbsey Twins.

Happy Friday!


Unknown said...

I like the chair picture its good.

mail4rosey said...

Learning a new camera is fun! Your pics are great.

Visiting today from Lovin' my Weekend Blog hop.

Kaitlyn Hoffman said...

Thank you!

Stone Cottage Adventures said...

What beautiful girls! I am currently using photobucket and picmonkey even though I own photoshop, but am afraid to load it! What am I afraid of??? -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

LA Murano said...

Great pictures! I'm a Nikon girl's so much fun to learn a new camera isn't it? I'm so jealous that you have such adorable subjects to shoot!


Kaitlyn Hoffman said...

Thank you! It is so fun, I have to force myself to put my camera down sometimes! Ha ha. I'm pretty lucky to have great subjects to test out shoots and play around with!

Kaitlyn Hoffman said...

Thank you! It is so fun, I have to force myself to put my camera down sometimes! Ha ha. I'm pretty lucky to have great subjects to test out shoots and play around with!

Unknown said...

Cute blog! Love the photos. I will be back to visit again. Thanks for posting on BYB. Deb @ Kneaded Creations