Last Week Of Summer...

School is just around the corner so we are enjoying our last week of summer. Myself as a mother am trying to focus on having fun with the girls while trying not to stress out. I always feel a little sad, lonely, you name it when school starts up and my house is quieter.
This year I will have two in school. I can't believe our Viv is starting pre-school. I'm sad to have her leave me like a baby bird learning to fly. I know I will cry once I get in my car after dropping her off. I did with our first daughter. At the same time I am so excited for her and know that she is too. I pray that she gains some friendships in her classroom. I pray she enjoys learning like her big sister. Even though it's only 3 mornnings a week, and I will have our youngest home still with me full time, I will miss her tons! I will also miss our oldest who is entering first grade. I feel old stating that I have a first grader.

I'm excited for their new journeys this school year.


Unknown said...

Mom says she still remembers that first time she drop both of you kids off at school. these are memories you will always hold on to.

Unknown said...

Mom says she still remembers that first time she drop both of you kids off at school. these are memories you will always hold on to.