Halloween Treats

Ever since Halloween has been on our minds, my daughters have been asking when am I going to make the bones and witch hats. I made them last year for the first time and they were a total hit. Since it seems that I have started a tradition I thought I'd share again this year the fun Halloween treats.

They are fun to make and great to get your kids involved. Our oldest likes to bring the bones to school for a snack with her lunch. her classmates think their either so cool or creepy. Ha ha ha. You know how first graders can be!

My favorite is the witch hats. They are simple and quick to prepare. My seven and four year old can even help with these. They go a little with one of our themes this year...hint hint.

Next we have the Bones. They are made of out pretzels, marshmellows and white chocolate chips melted. Oh are these delishious and our oldest daughters favorite. 

You can't go wrong on Halloween with these trick-or-treats! 

1 comment

Unknown said...

Hi! I found you on the Thumpin' Thursday blog hop. Love the witch hats! I have a first grader too, and I love this age. I have all boys, though, so we're the opposite of you guys. I look forward to following your blog.