Photo Friday!

Is it really Friday already? I feel like this week went by like a flash if lightning. Which it totally fine with me because I am so ready for the weekend and not having to wake up before the sunrise. Wednesday it was just Helen, my husband and I for the morning once we dropped the two older girls girls off at school. We decided to venture out to Riverside Park in Grand Rapids for some picture taking. In the photos is one of my favorite bridges in Grand Rapids.
 Nothing better than a ride on daddy's shoulders. Sometimes I wish I were a little girl again. Ha ha.
 A little skeptical two year old and an old bridge.

 Looking into daddy's eyes as he throws her into the air and mommy gets a gut ache! 
 Something catching her eye. What doesn't catch a two year olds eye?
She has her daddy wrapped right around her finger. Proof here. He he he.


Simple Mama At Home said...

Such a sweet little girl!
Stopping by from the "Fun Friday Blog Hop".
Now following you on G+, GFC, Twitter and Facebook. Looking forward to reading more of your posts.
Have a great week :)
Bismah @
Simple Mama

Christina Morley said...

Thanks for linking on Amanda's Books and More! I love these photos as I know how precious those "alone" times are. We go on more outings with Amanda than we do with the three big kids. They prefer not to come with and she usually prefers not to stay at home.

An Apel a Day said...

She looks so cute and little!

Unknown said...

Amazing shots...what a cutie. Love the bridge!

Theresa Mahoney said...

Very cute shots! My cousins used to live in Grand Rapids. I don't recall seeing this bridge there when we visited them though. Looks like a great one for photo ops!

mail4rosey said...

Such sweet pictures. :)