The Great Blog Train HOP: Dinning Car & GIVEAWAY!!

Dining Car by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo BlogTrainDININGcar_zps3c5360ef.jpg

Dining Car by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo BlogTrainMenuTop_zpsfacd7863.jpg

Appetizer: French Bread dipped in Olive oil. 
Soup: Tomato Basil
 Salad:  Organic Garden Salad with Homemade Dairy Free Italian Dressing (click here for recipe)
Main Dish:  Lemon Pepper Crock Pot Chicken (click HERE for recipe)

Sides: Roasted Asparagus
Dessert: Dutch Apple Pie
Beverage: Coffee, Green Tea or Fresh Lemon Water

Dining Car by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo BlogTrainMenuBottom_zps5cf8c9d1.jpg

Grab your meal, take a seat and enjoy the train ride!

Thank you for visiting the Dining Car - now onto the regular Blog Hop & Giveaway:

God’s Growing Garden


All Aboard!!!
The Great Blog Train

A monthly blog hop departing from your online train station on the first Wednesday of every month!

God’s Growing Garden

The Great Blog Train has 5 Engineers
plus a "Destination Co-host"!!
If you link up that means your blog will be seen on 6 different blogs!!!

Please meet our Destination Co-host:
 Robin from "Redo It Yourself Inspirations"
This month we will be travelling to the Adirondacks.

Also, remember to visit the DINING CAR on one of the Engineer's blogs!

If you are interested in being a Co-host for the Great Blog Train then please click HERE and fill out the form (THANK YOU!!)

The Great Blog Train's ninth Great Giveaway!!!
1 Lucky winner will win the following:

-$15 Gift Card to Subway from Lynn
- 2 Lovely Handmade bars of Soap by Laura

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There are many ways to enter & then don't forget to link up to the train below!!
God’s Growing Garden

 Remember to join the fun even if you are running a little late.  The last entry will receive the Caboose Feature! 

March's Caboose and featured blog happens to be:

 "Easy Life" Congratulations!

"Meal & Party Planning Services LLC" - This mouthwatering blog is written by two sisters Terri & Shawna who love food, gardening and healthy living.  Their delicious recipes will make your mouth water I guarantee it!  They also have a fun blog hop every Thursday called "Four Seasons Blog Hop".

Blog Train Rules, by Angie Ouellette-Tower for
Linking up to the Train is as easy as
1, 2, 3!
 photo BlogTrain1_zps5b03f18a.jpg The Great blog Train by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo BlogTrain2_zpsf10a0b46.jpg The Great blog Train by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo BlogTrain3_zpsdc2185c5.jpg

This linky list is now closed.
And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him and let it drop (leave it, let it go), in order that your Father Who is in heaven may also forgive you your [own] failings and shortcomings and let them drop. - Mark 11:25 (Amplified Bible)
After the Great Blog Train has arrived to it's destination we will be featuring 3 boxcars with the most "clicks".  By linking up you agree to allow us to promote your blog through Twitter, Google+ & Pinterest

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AngieOuellette-Tower said...

Wow does that ever looks scrumptious!! I love your menu - even the lemon water goes perfect with the main dish - genius! I'm so hungry now.
Thanks so much!

Jenn said...

Thanks ladies, love hopping aboard every month!

Isobel Morrell said...

Just joined the trip - looking forward to meeting fellow guests on the journey. All the best (by the way, where did March disappear to?)

Kaitlyn Hoffman said...

Glad to have you join! I am not quit sure what you mean by "where did March disappear to?' :)


Kaitlyn Hoffman said...

Glad to have you on board!
