4 Simple Road Trip Tips With kids- Part 2

Welcome to part two of the "mini series" of how to plan a family vacation.

If you missed part one here is the link. How To Plan A Vacation Where I give seven simple tips and advice. You don't want to miss out on part one.

Part two I am going to talk about traveling with the little ones. My Husband and I started traveling long distance with out Daughters when our youngest was about nine months old. Her first vacation was to St. Louis Missouri. Of course she doesn't remember but the other two might. That is what pictures are for right? Ha!

Any who... Here are four simple tips I have learned and experienced along the way that have made our road trips less hair pulling as parents.

  1. Pack A Entertainment Bag. A few days ahead of the big road trip make a little shopping trip at your local Dollar Tree or Target's dollar section. Create each child their own traveling bad of entertainment to do when they get bored in the car. 
  2. Pack a cooler. Every long road trip ahead of us we pack a small to medium cooler. In the cooler includes snacks, drinks for along the way and for our lunch stop and sandwiches. Yes...we prepare a handmade lunch for the road because there is nothing better than stop, stretching and letting those little ones run around for a bit while eating lunch. Rest stops are great for this. Some even have grills, a small playground and beautiful look outs. 
  3. Download the rest stop app.  usa rest stops. I am so happy I found this app on our vacation going up. I missed the mile warning sign of our first rest stop. I knew there had to be an app that would let us know where all the rest areas are on the highways. Lone behold there is! I even was able to test it out for you. It works amazing and we didn't  miss another potty break for out Daughters. Lets face it having three Daughters under the age eight...there are multiple stops. 
  4. Go vintage! Remember all those educational car games we use to play as a child growing up? You know like the alphabet game and so on? bring those back. I totally understand how entertaining and reliable the new age DVD player and apple Ipads can be. Although make the car rides a little memorable for your child. 
Do you have some tips you would like to add in a comment below? I'd love to hear from you!

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1 comment

AngieOuellette-Tower said...

Great tips! I'm going to send this to my sister who has twin girls.
Have a great day
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