How To Plan A Vacation Part 1.

We are finally going on our second family vacation since our youngest was a baby. After our first vacation we decided to wait a couple more years until our Daughters were a little older and could enjoy it more and hopefully remember it. Now that our Daughters are getting older I feel it's important to start going on family vacations and make some memorable family memories. After all right now at their younger ages there is so much to do for vacations here in Michigan making it so we don't have to travel too far. This week we will be heading up north. Follow us on Instagram to find out where up north and to keep up with us! You may find the link on the top/side of the main page of the blog.

With all that talk being said... I thought why the heck not do a mini "how to" series about planning a vacation. It is that time of year where families are starting to hit the road or maybe even think about putting away for next years spring break or vacation. I hope you find these tips helpful!

  1. Book your hotel months in advance. I booked our hotel room about 3 months in advance. You can even book it even more advance if you need to. Check it right now your list and save that money. Don't forget you may put in some request although they may not always be guaranteed.  Use the hotel saving websites. They are great ways to save on money. Don't forget most of the time you don't have to put money down until your arrive and your have to usually cancel 24 hours before you arrive. 
  2. Buy a little notebook. I used a little notebook and made every single note in it. Everything I need to know for our hotel. You never know if you may run behind and need to call them. I took notes on all our activity's planned. That way I don't have to look it up on my phone and its all in one spot. 
  3. Gas. If you are driving you may go to and type in your car. It will calculate out your price of gas you will need for your trip.
  4. Packing.  I start getting all my laundry done because I am always behind. I am the type of person who will end up packing the night before I don't get a head start. I recommend starting a week before. At least start putting things together for outfits and making a list of things you think of all week. That way you hopefully don't forget anything. If you do...there is usually a has station, Walgreen's, Walmart or Target on the way. 
  5. Find a pet sitter.
  6. Create a grocery list for the road trip and the hotel. Start making your list about a week in advance. This way it helps you from not forgetting and having to make those pesky multiple trips or last minute trips before you head out on the road. Stick it on your fridge and make it the week before. Create one for on the road and one for in the hotel room. We do. It seriously is helpful because you don't always want to eat out. Find out if your room has a mini fridge/ microwave or not. Makes a huge difference on your list. 
  7. Relax. I try my very best to get everything done at least a day before so I can sit back and relax before packing up the car. Because lets face it planning a vacation is well.....somewhat stressful. Therefore I hope these tips have been helpful from my learning. 
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