The Chain "Linky" CLIMB!

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Ours was pretty rainy. Today I get to join along and co-host the Chain Linky Climb! Continue on and link up.
God’s Growing Garden
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This linky list is now closed.
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In August - Angie "tweeted" every blog that had signed up by her sister's birthday and then in September Angie "pinned" 1 post for every blog that had signed up by the 19th.  
Sometime in October is Angie's Wedding Anniversary -  On that special day Angie & Angel will promote each blog that  has linked to the CLIMB on google+  - that means your blog will be promoted on 2 different google+ accounts.

So link up early!!  & ENJOY!!
CLIMB by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo ClimbLink_zpsf527c076.jpg
Remember - Now if you co-host you will receive a free Weekly Ad and your blog button will appear on both Angie's blog & Angel's blog!!
(The Ad will run live a few weeks after you have co-hosted)

This linky list is now closed.
;">CLIMB by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo ClimbCo-host_zpseca2ac09.jpg


1 comment

AngieOuellette-Tower said...

Thank you so much for being one of our week#4 co-hosts!!