Mexican Crockpot Dinner

I am so excited to share this recipe. I wanted to try something a little different and out of our comfort zone and surprisingly our daughters loved it. I found this delicious dinner and like always I had to tweak it a little to make it my own.

They are a couple ways you could serve this dinner. One way is, as regular cooked chicken breast or since it falls apart so nicely you can even add the chicken and beans into a wrap. We did both and the girls enjoyed the wraps.

Mexican Crockpot Chicken 
warning your home will smell great!

  • chicken breasts
  • chicken broth
  • black beans
  • chipolata seasoning (only a little if you do not want it spicy for kids)
  • taco or fajita seasoning
  • a little water if you feel the need. 
  1. Boil the chicken breasts. ( I do this so the crock pot time isn't as long if I run out of time also to make sure the chicken is cooked in the middle.)
  2. Add all the ingredients in the crockpot and turn on high for about 6-8 hours. (the chicken will start to fall apart when you touch it with a fork when its finished cooking.)
  3. It is that simple and non time consuming which I love.


Noor Unnahar said...

Yumnomnom :)
Noor's Place

Katie said...

Sounds so yummy! I'm going to have to try it this week! How many beans and how much chicken did you use?

Kaitlyn Hoffman said...

I used 1 can of beans and I package of chicken breast. Usually 3 large ones in one package.

Denyse @ Glitter, Glue, Paint said...

This looks really quick and easy. Thanks for sharing at Throwback Thursday!

Ali Haider said...

It is easy to all.I'll advice my spouse to try the same.Thanks a lot for sharing

Anonymous said...

Yum. Thanks for sharing with us at The HomeAcre Harvest Hop!

Please join us again Thursday for our special edition The Thankful HomeAcre Hop at:
