She Has learned She Has A Voice

As I stood at the end of the driveway watching her in her friends yard with her arms tense I could tell she was having a stern conversation. At that same moment I felt a sense of proudness. I did it! I have finally made progress with my shy and quiet Ev who wouldn't speak up for herself in the past.

She then rides her bike back down to our house with her clipboard where I am still standing and says, "If she's not going to be nice I'm not going to want to play with her tomorrow or much anymore." Their friendship started out really great and soon grew to become a bump in the road. Her friend started to become very bossy and kind of the "mean girl" thing going on. They are still good friends and play together for the most part but it started getting to the point when Ev would come to me. It then clicked to me, this is a perfect time for her to learn that she has a voice and it's okay to let others know. Also that it's not okay to let friends boss you around all the time. Rather than to have me butt in and most likely embarrass her friend and ruin their friendship completely and end all play dates. Therefore I knew it was time I start to teach her just like my own mother taught me to stand up for myself and what I believe.

I am so proud of her and feel a sense of accomplishment knowing that she is starting to use her voice in certain situation rather than being pushed in the corner.

1 comment

Anonymous said...

I love that she has found her voice. Know, she just needs to choose her words wisely. Remember, words can build you up and words can break you down. Love you baby girl. Grams!