My New Permanent Fashion Accessory...

My new permanent fashion accessory; glasses.

Yes I may seem a little excited over them. If you were me you may be too. Only because this may be the answer to the last of my migraines that the change of food, and medication can not help. Secondly so I can actually see with out a blur. I admit I should have gone in a long time ago when my husband told me to, after I stated I had a hard time reading street signs. I am excited to get lost in books again. They have been pushed aside on the shelf. Come to find out I am near and far sighted. Weird huh? We think so too but it explains a lot. For once since I started blogging I could actually write this post without feeling strain in my eyes and having to take a break. Ah...feels wonderful.

My choice of glasses are perfect for me. I had to pick something that stood out with my personality. If I am going to have to wear these all day ever day, they need to be fashionable. I think the ladies in the office loved it. They kept stating how cute they are and how I'm not sticking to normal glasses. He he. Of course this won't be my only pair. I need a pair of red ones right? Ha ha.

Now here is to getting use to my new fashion accessories. Or as we call them for our youngest daughter who too wears glasses; pretties.

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