How To Become A Morning Person

I have always thought I was blessed naturally as a morning person. My dad has always been a morning person so maybe it has rubbed off on me? That was until I came across a pretty neat article. As I read the article, some of the ideas of how to become a morning person seemed so natural. That is because I have grown up with parents who already did most of these. So why wouldn't they seem so natural to me.

Since I became a mother of three I can get sleep deprived don't get me wrong. There are mornings where I feel as if my feet are dragging behind me. It wasn't till I had my third daughter when I started drinking coffee for the caffeine boost due to lack of energy. I soon became addicted and found myself making casual pit stops to the nearest Starbucks. Or even rerouting my drive to fit in my Starbucks craving. It got to the point where I knew which coffee shops to avoid and which ones were top on the list from experience. Sad I know.

But since reading about how to become a morning person and how I already do most of what is on the list, I couldn't wait to share. So here we go,

  1. Yoga.  They say doing the "sun salutation" when you wake up is great way to start your day and gives you that boost of energy. I personally have started doing simple yoga to help when I get a sore back and migraines. Maybe I should start doing yoga in the mornings.
  2. Turn up the music.  Set your alarm clock to a music setting. Play a radio while getting ready for work or school in the mornings. It helps build your endurance and boost your mood believe it or not. I don't know about you but when I jam out to music while getting ready I feel as if I am ready to conquer the world. 
  3. Drinking water. You should drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. Sometimes I wake up so thirsty. Once I finish my glass of water I feel refreshed and energized. Water is actually known to help fight fatigue and help keep headaches away due to dehydration. So try switching out your first cup of coffee with a glass of water first. Could be a good start. 
  4. Enjoy a cup of ginger root tea. When I started to eat clean I learned that ginger can speed up your metabolism and ease our digestion. I keep ginger tea in my kitchen at all times.
  5. Laugh. Don't be afraid to let lose and have a good laugh. I was told growing up that Laughter is the best medicine. I now pass on the same phrase to my own children. It is also a fun way to boost your energy. I don't know about you but I love to laugh and surround myself with those who can make me laugh as well. In al reality who doesn't love a good laugh? 
  6. Take a cold shower. This one is probably my least favorite. I sure wouldn't do this. I would skip out and drive to my nearest Starbucks, ha ha.
  7. Eat delicious kiwi. Kiwi is known as a super fruit if you didn't know. Once again I learned this when I started to eat clean. It has good sugar in it that helps with your body's energy lows. 
  8. Stay in the light. I grew up in a house where my parents always opened the shades once the sun was up. Therefore I never understood why people would keep all their shades closed 24/7. So it makes total sense. When it's sunny we're happy, when it's cloudy we're usually not so happy right? So open your shades and enjoy the light. 
  9. Wear red. When wearing different colors it can put us in different moods. When where the color red it has potential for raising our energy. I have always loved the color red. I actually have red walls in my house. I also absolutely love my red lipstick. I feel like super women once I put it on. 
  10. Go for a run/exercise. I'll be completely honest, I am nothing close to a runner. Although I use my elliptical and love to walk. I also love to get in a good work out in the mornings when I can. It is great for energy and productivity. I know when I work out in the mornings I get so much more done throughout the day compared to a morning when I do not work out. Not to mention running and working out releases happy chemicals. 
Do you already do any of these on the list??? If so please share in a comment below. 


Melissa said...

even with all of this ideas, I'll not become a morning person, came by your blog trough the blog hop :)

hope to see you back!

Give-away time @The Mind of an exchange

Tina at said...

Found your blog via the Great Train Blog party. I struggle so much in the morning. I think I'll try implementing these one or two at a time and see if they help! Thanks!

HickChickBritt said...

I would say I am a morning person. I am happy in the mornings, I could definitely do with some more energy in the mornings though! haha