Apple Picking!

This weekend we finally went apple picking. I have been waiting so impatiently myself, ha ha. By far apple picking is one of my most favorite fall activities to do as a family. This was the girls first time. All three of them thought it was neat and did a swell job filling the bag right up. Red delicious are the girld favorites. 

 We were blessed with a sunny wand warm october day. To our surprise we started to sweat picking the apples. Only in Michigan can it be either 80 degrees or snowing in one month. 

 They were quit the pros at picking apples. Vivian had learned the correct way of picking an apple off the tree at her recent field trip.
 Of course the hubby has to scout out where the best apples were. 
 Sisters helping sisters or what we call, team work in our house. 
There were even some apples low enough for our littlest to pick on her own. She was so proud!
 She wouldn't take a picture with me. She was too busy eating an apple. In fact I lost count how many apples they snacked on while picking, ha ha ha.
 Sisterly love totally melts my heart.
 This is our typical picture of the three girls. Viv is usually in la la land. Ev most always has an attitude from not wanting her picture taken. helen on the other hand likes to pout about who knows what. For myself, I always get a good chuckle from the pictures. 

After the hard work from picking apples we were off to play. next we're off to the pumpkin patch...


Lioness Rebirth said...

I like your blog.
I am stopping by from MeloMomma's blog Hop. If you are interested in saying hi, you can find me at

AngieOuellette-Tower said...

Fantastic pictures!