Yes I Am A Stay At Home Mom...

Hi there. I am a stay at home mom and proud!

Let me state before I became a stay at home mom I did work part time as a server and attended college for about a year part time in the evenings. As time went on my husband and I knew the best decision was for me to leave my job and maybe attend college another time, so I could stay home with our daughters. Yes a college degree is important to me but not at this time. If God has blessed us with me being able to stay home and watch our daughters grow and not miss a mile stone, then why not?

Since my husband and I had made the major decision and wise choice for me to stay home full time with our three daughters, I couldn't believe the not so positive remarks I have received. I believe today's society looks down at stay at home mothers. These days it's almost expected for both parents to work, or is expected.  

One of the questions I am most asked is, "are you going to get a job someday when your daughters are all in school full time?"
I usually stand there for a second maybe staring awkwardly at the other person once they asked me such a stupid question. Yes I said a "naughty" word. Seriously though, don't ever ask a stay at home mom if she ever plans on getting a job because being a stay at home mom is her job. Therefore my answer always is, no I have a job that God blessed me with why would I change that? Never once yet have they had an answer to my response. 

Being a stay at home mom is like a job in many ways. But I feel calling it a job kind of sounds bad? To me its my dream job of all jobs. I get to work at home and be surrounded my my kids at the same time. Although that is lovely most of the time, there are times where I do need a break. 

But whats a break? My breaks are at nap times, that's if I can even get the two younger girls to take a nap. My breaks don't consist of me sitting on my couch eating bon bons while watching soap operas. My breaks consist me going back and forth between rooms trying to get the littlest to lay down while she is screaming, quickly folding laundry so they don't knock it over, cleaning the house, all while trying to eat lunch by myself so I don't have to share half of it. I'm not sitting in a quiet coffee shop sipping on Starbucks nor am I out to lunch with my co-workers having an adult conversation. 

 It is not always easy being a stay at home mom, in fact most the time its not easy. My days start before the sun rises and doesn't end till the sun sets. By the time I tuck our girls in bed I most always pass out on the couch. It took a while for my husband to finally understand why. Because being a stat at home mom can be exhausting just like any other job out there. I am a taxi driver during the day, a chef for three meals a day, I run laundry mat inside my home, I am a tutor for three kids all year round, I make sure my house is clean and in tip top shape every day. 

I had one a lady tell me, "I wish I could be a stay at home mom and do what I want."
First off we don't get to do what we want. I am not out there having shopping trips to the mall by any means. In all reality my shopping trips are to target for guess what?! Diapers and wipes. He he he. I don't get to sit around all day in my pj's and sip on tea while reading a book. Although that sounds lovely, instead I have 2 out of our 3 kids competing for my attention, playing the question game or just keeping me on my toes. I have a list of chores that I have to complete for the day. Maybe by the weekend I can finally do a craft which would fall under, doing what I want.

Deep down inside I know my job is beyond important to me and my daughters. I wouldn't change it any other way. 

Are you a stay at home mom? If so what crazy question have you been asked or told??


Cheri said...

I am also a stay at home mom. I have been asked if I will get a job once my daughter starts school. The answer is no because we plan on homeschooling! I am trying to find something I can do from home, but I don't plan to get a job outside the home for a long time. Staying home is definitely a job! It's the best job in the world!

Unknown said...

I understand how you feel completely!!! I graduated with my Masters last year and one lady had the nerve to say, "You're going to stay at home with a Masters degree? I'm gonna pray for you." What's so bad with staying at home? You're right. People don't understand the hard work that goes into staying at home. I'm glad you wrote about this because I feel the same way. I'm stopping by from Favorite Thing Friday Linky Party and I've followed you via FB, Twitter, and Google+. You can return the favor if you'd like to at Thanks.

Carly @ Creating Mom said...

Ahhh yes. The judgment. I'm in my third week of staying home and I felt really embarrassed to tell people about my choice. It shouldn't be that way.

Kaitlyn Hoffman said...

Thank you!

Kaitlyn Hoffman said...

You shouldn't feel that way again, next time just embrace it! :)

Kelly said...

Women fought to work outside the home for so long that I think it's hard for some to understand why anyone would want to go back to "just being a mom", and feel like it's a regression. I have stayed home with Olivia for 2 years now, while also homeschooling/nannying for a couple other kids at the same time. I have NO INTEREST in doing anything else. Olivia is 4 and at a beginning 1st grade level. I know that she's eating healthy, I know that she's taken care of, and I know that she's happy. All these women who think they are fighting the women's fight need to realize that we fought for the CHOICE to work outside the home. And if we CHOOSE to work at home, as a mother, it should be praised, not berated.

Kaitlyn Hoffman said...

Well worded Kelly. Thanks for your comment!

Rachel said...

My Mom was a stay-at-home mom for nearly all of my growing up years--in more recent years she's started working outside the home quite a bit, and I feel a little sad that my baby sisters don't get the same experience of having mom at home so much to spend time with them. I think it's a privilege and a blessing to stay home with your children if that's what you want--and I'm 100% sure it's a lot of work!

HickChickBritt said...

Almost all of the women in my family have been stay at home moms. I have always felt like there was something wrong, since I have had to work outside the home. I have been blessed though and I am turning in my 2 weeks next Monday! Here's praying that I can keep up with the boys full time!

Kaitlyn Hoffman said...

Congrats on putting in your son to be putting in 2 weeks. I bet it will be a change but for the best! :)