Homemade Kool-Aid Playdough (recipe)

As a child I loved playdough. One of my childhood memories is playing with playdough at our kitchen table for hours. So once our daughters were old enough I just had to introduce them to the wonderful invention of playdough.

 I finally started making my daughters playdough instead of buying it at the stores. It's a great way to invite them into the kitchen and help. Kids love to help any ways they can in the kitchen.

We are a huge fan of the kool-aid recipe. Not only does it smell fruity and not like your traditional playdough, the kool-aid gives it vibrant colors.

Homemade Kool-Aid Playdough

1 cup of flour
1/2 cup of salt (fine salt works best)
2 teaspoons of cream of tarter ( found in the spice section of your local grocery store)
1 tablespoon of veggie oil
1 cup of water
1 kool-aid packet

  1. Add all ingredients together in a sauce pan. 
  2. Turn stove on love heat while mixing till it meets a playdough consistency.
  3. Take out of pan and place on a cutting board and kneed the playdough. (You may have to wait for it to cool down a bit.)
  4. Once it's completely cooled down it's ready to play! Or you may store it. We store ours in plastic bags right now and it works great. 

Common questions I had for homemade playdough:

Does it make their hands messy colored from the kool-aid? No it does not do either.
How long does it last? It truly depends on how you store it and take care of it. It can be a couple weeks to a couple months
How much does this recipe make? It makes a good handful. Equivalent almost a a sandwich bag.
How long does it take to make? It took me only 5 minutes not even for one batch.
Is it really cost efficient? Yes!


Desiree said...

As soon as Bray is old enough to NOT eat it I am going to try it!!! Thanks!! :)

Shannah @ Just Us Four said...

Fun! I have never made homemade playdoh but always want to.

Thanks for sharing!