Photo Friday!

What a busy week we had. I feel like I haven't had a minute to get my camera out. Here are some photos from the other week. A few flashbacks for today from our summer.

We spent lots of time this summer at the parks. Even if it was coloring on a sheet. 
We enjoyed some play time at our local children's museum.
We walked around downtown Grand Rapids and stopped in a cafe for ice-cream with family in town from Minnesota and Grandma H.
Playing outside with our love bugs. We spend a lot of our days outside. 
We taught Helen how to kick her first soccer ball.
We had a blast at our city's national night out festivities.
The girls were able to check out the inside of a state police helicopter. At the end of the festivities we were able to watch it take off. An experience the girls won't forget with all our hair blowing, the grass flying up and the not so lovely smell. It was awesome. 
Living in Michigan we are blessed to be near some beautiful beaches. We live 30-45 minutes away from Lake Michigan beaches. 
When it's summer we always have to hit up the local ice-cream shops. I visited the exact one as a little girl growing up.

What is something you do with your kids that make it officially feel like summer every year?


Elizabeth Kelsey Bradley said...

Lovely photos!!! You have beautiful little girls! Mine had some ice cream today too, SO hot here and humid!

Kaitlyn Hoffman said...

Thank you! We have had a cooler summer with only 1 week of 90 degrees.

Unknown said...

Lake Michigan is awesome we are blessed

Noor Unnahar said...

A police helicopter? I was always so afraid of them as a kiddo ;)
Noor @ Noor's Place