Whoa Girl; Where Did That Come From?

Whoa girl! Where did that come from? Those were my exact words that came out of my mouth while tucking in our oldest daughter in bed the other night. Or should I say that was my reaction when she had snapped at me with the eye roll and head bob. To be honest I am not even sure what I may have done to spark her temperament. I may have told her to clean up her room, leave the cat alone, something silly and simple. Therefore the instant reaction from her came to me in a surprise.

I didn't yell back at her, Just gently replied "whoa girl, where did that come from?" After tucking her in and walking out of her bedroom, I started to think. I may know where the mood change all a sudden came from. It then clicked, she's a girl. She's a girl who is almost 7 years old and going into first grade. I am entering a new stage of parenting. I am learning along with this territory comes the attitude. The attitude that contains the eye rolls and head bobs. To be honest I want to just laugh at her when she rolls her eyes and bobs her head at me. But what kind of parent would I be if I actually did?

As I sit here reading and figuring out strategies how to raise young girls and their changes. Example how to handle their changing emotions, sudden mood swings and the eye rolls. I start to think about my daughter. She too is also under going changes with her emotions as she is maturing. It is something we both are learning how to handle and will continue to learn together as she matures into a young lady. I know they say you shouldn't be your child's best friend, but I feel having a daughter and once being a daughter myself, It's okay to be that "friend" to your daughter. I'm not talking about the friend where your parting it up with your kids when their older by any means. But the friend yet still parent they can come to when their in need.

For now I'm going to stick to my "Whoa Girl" when she snaps with a sudden change in mood or eye roll. It seems to work well. And I hope whatever I'm doing I continue doing correctly because I have a great bond with all 3 of my daughters.

When I know what that is, I'll fill all you moms in out there raising daughters!


hello said...

Stopped by from Bloggy Moms! I'm going through the same thing with my soon to be 7 year old, except mine is a boy who is starting to develop sarcasm. Ahh, the joys of parenting lol

Amy Shaughnessy said...

I can't say that I can relate because I have 2 boys. My oldest (just 4) is starting to show signs of attitude though. He will do a big dramatic sigh if I ask him to do something followed by 'Ooooookkkkkkaaaayyyyy mom.' Sheesh. I thought 4 was too young for attitude!


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Unknown said...

Its starting. lol