DIY: Homemade Laundry Detergent Updated

   Doing laundry can become expensive when you have a family So an idea clicked in my head; I'll start making my own detergent! In my spare time I researched different homemade laundry detergents recipes. Take note, I'm very picky! I wanted something that wouldn't fade my colors and at the same time still brighten my whites. With it being homemade I wanted it to be able to fight stains and still smell good. I found a lot of the detergents were pretty much the same. Some people added some different things here and there. This is the recipe I came across that I really liked. I Made the laundry and tested it before sharing with you.

Here is an idea how long this laundry batch can last your family. It has potential to last up to a year. Up to 6 loads of laundry a week; measured 2 ounces of the detergent per load. 

Cost: 26 dollars and some odd change. I bought all my supplies at our local grocery store; Meijers. You should be able to find all these products at any local grocery store. 

Homemade laundry detergent
1 Box of borax (4lb)
1 Box super washing soda (3lb)
1 container oxy clean (3lb) Optional; help brighten your whites!
2 Bars of zote soap
1-2 Purex crystals, Optional; helps your clothes and towels from coming out of the dryer rough and makes them smell good!!
2 Boxes of baking soda (2lbs each)
big bucket
SMALL cheese grader only. 
TIP:You must use a small cheese grader so you don't end up with big flakes. You don't want to clog up your washer.
All these are found in the laundry detergent isle expect the baking soda is in the cooking isle

It truly is easy to make. The only time consuming part is grading the soaps. 
  Add in the ingredients then add your shredded soap on top and mix.
 Voila your all done!
   My first couple loads came out great.

 I used only one purex crystals and think next time ill use two.
Hope it works for you!

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