Our Over-Night Escape

Maybe escape sounds to harsh, because I would never want to escape from my kids in all reality. Once we started having children I turned into one of those moms who never wants to leave her babies. Seriously; we haven't even had our honey moon yet because I couldn't face the fact of leaving our daughter more than one night. Then we had only one daughter compared to three now.

Finally after six years of being married and we decided to take an over night excursion. Nothing fabulous. The girls stayed the night at Grandma & Grandpa H's home while we went up to their cabin. We really enjoyed our alone time and brought us back to beginning. The beginning when It were just us two. We were able to have a full conversation without any interruptions, which was nice for a change.

We spent our time at a local vintage cafe, scouted out some antique shops in the little town, and rode the ruckuses around the dirt roads. We were able to enjoy a nice lunch over looking Croton lake followed by a lovely nature walk around Croton Dam. And of course we had to walk through the peaceful woods following deer tracks. We also did some target practice. Yes, I can shoot a gun. I may not hit the target, but Give me some credit. Ha ha ha.

I feel it is very important for married to get away over night even if its one time a year. Or maybe 1 time every six years, ha ha. It lets you recoup as a couple and bring you back on solid feet.


Unknown said...

I glad we could watch your dog so you can get away. lol

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All Saints Day

Kaitlyn Hoffman said...

I have your button up and running on my blog! So nice to meet you through the blogging community.

Amy Shaughnessy said...

I totally agree! My hubby and I try and do a date night once a month but we are always planning the next big trip. A year or so after my first baby was born, we went on a 4 day cruise. Then a year or so after my 2nd baby was born, we went on another one. So I am pregnant now and planning our next cruise! It's so fun to have a big trip to look forward to without kiddos.


Fashion and Beauty Finds

Kaitlyn Hoffman said...

That is so awesome! I'm afraid of big boats on water when I can't see land. Ha ha Congrats on your pregnancy!