My Adult Summer Bucket List

Last summer I wasn't really able to enjoy it. I spent the good first half in pain and many Doctor appointments. Or literally crawling on our floor, in tears just wanting to be pain free so I could be the Mom and Wife I needed to be. If you follow Three Sisters and Us you already know the journey I have been through the past phew years. Here is a post where I speak a little about my journey; To The Mother In This Photo.

Since I have now been gluten free for about 8 week, pain free, the Mom I use to be and Wife...I came up with this brilliant idea to make myself an adult summer bucket list since I missed out last summer. I missed out on beach days with my family, camping trips, vacations, cook outs with friends, date nights with my Husband, going on walks with my Daughters, pretty much anything last summer I missed out on. Therefore this summer we are making up for it!

  1. Take a family vacation. This one is already going to get checked off. We are taking a family vacation up to Mackinaw City. We are going to stay in a hotel on the beach over looking the great lake and Mackinaw Island. The girls have been counting down the days. So have I!
  2. Take a weekend camping trip. Hopefully this year this will be in Gods plans. We just love camping so much. 
  3. Multiple beach days. Since we live about 30 minutes from the beach it's not hard to have a fun beach day. Usually we get out to Lake Michigan a good handful of times through out the summer months. 
  4. Date nights to the beach with my Husband. I am happy to say we already made this happen once this spring. But It was a tad chilly. I would like to go again when it is warmer. 
  5. Learn to make my own sun tea. I have grown to love all kinds of tea now. We have a great front porch for this. 
  6. Attend Grand Rapids, MI's Movie in the park. We never were able to go last summer. This would be neat for a date night and a family outing. Depending on which movie is playing.
  7. Take the whole family to the drive in movie. West Michigan still have two around. Again I wanted to go to one last summer. And again...we never made it with my surgery and all.
  8. Go on more picnics.  What is a better way than to spend as a family than on a picnic?! Just keep the ants away please. 
  9. Go to the parades. Last summer I missed them due to the pain I was in and not being able to walk too much. And of course recovering from surgery. Boo! 
  10. Get over my fear of thunderstorms and wind.  Ever since our tornado I am afraid of storms and wind. I would like to be able to enjoy them again. I shake like a little school girl. Of course I hide that from my Daughters since I know their afraid of them now too. I have to be that somehow brave Mom. 
  11. Finish DIY projects. I am finally almost 100% pain free and can now help my Husband on our DIY home! 
  12. Work in my Garden. Oh how I missed my garden last summer.
  13. Visit a real big farm on a tour.
  14. Take a crafting class. I want to learn to do more in depth knitting and crafts.
  15. Attend some blog and writing conferences. I really want to grow my knowledge. 

What are on some of your summer bucket list?
 Are you headed some where for a family vacation?

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Becky Ginther said...

Great goals! I would like to try #14 and #15 this summer as well. And something else on my summer bucket list is to go see a drive in movie!

Unknown said...

I really want to get to some blogging conferences too! I live in the middle of nowhere so I don't think there are any nearby but I'm definitely trying to research some that I might be able to go to once I move at the end of August.

Becki S said...

I wish I would have made summer specific goals! We did a 101 list but nothing for this summer specifically. These looks like great goals and I am glad that you are gaining your health and strength back.

Unknown said...

These are some awesome bucket list items! I would personally love to do many of them myself. Thank you for sharing them with us.

Brittany Bergman said...

Great list! I'm so glad that you're feeling better than last summer, and also that you're proactively taking back a wonderful season! I also love how many of your items include being at the beach. :) On my bucket list this year is to spend time sitting in the sun each weekend. My husband and I just moved into our first house, and I want to spend as much time as I can in our outdoor space before it gets cold again!

Mandi P said...

I adore this list <3 can I come hang out with you guys - your fam sounds super fun! haha :) Praise God for healing - I gained much healing from going gluten-free and dairy-free five years ago and am thankful for days i feel so good and can be the wife I love to be! So I totally get you there. Hope you get to cross a lot of this off your list! Sounds like a WONDERFUL summer! :) :)

Mistle said...

Great bucket list! I've always wanted to go to a drive in movie! I would also love to attend a Blogging Conference.

Emma Byers said...

Sounds like the makings of a great summer! I'll have to start thinking about my own list. :)

Rebecka said...

Glad you are feeling better! Also, on the sun tea, make sure you use a glass pitcher, or if it's tea for one a mason jar. The tea comes out tasting better in glass, plus no need to worry on anything leeching into your tea when you use glass instead of plastic. I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer with your family and friends.