Chia Seed Pudding Recipe

Chia seed pudding is so great for you. I was introduced to in once I started a more clean way of eating to help heal my body. Once everything came out clear from my MRI and blood work we are now figuring out that gluten, unnatural sugars are causing me pain and migraines. Silly huh?! Therefore now my Husband and I are working on a healthier natural way of eating. 

Chia Seed Pudding 

How to store
Store in a sealed tight container in a cool place like your fridge. I use my mason jars for our chia seed pudding. I feel they work the best and do not take up much storage space in the fridge. You may store it for up to a week at least. It is great for breakfast or an afternoon snack craving. 

What you may add into your chia seed pudding
Fresh purred fruits
Fresh fruits

( This recipe has been modified from Tone It Up)
1/2 Cup of chia seeds
2 Cups of coconut milk
1-2 packets of stevia for your own liking of sweetness
1/2 Tbs Vanilla or almond extract
Pinch of salt
1-2 Tbs. Maca powder- optional

Baking Directions
1. Pour in your chia seeds in a large mixing bowl.
2. Pour in coconut milk.
3. Mix until smooth. 
4. Mix in the rest of the ingredients until smooth.
5. Let mixture sit for roughly 15 minutes until it becomes a pudding like consistency. You may notice is to start immediately. Still let it sit. 
5. Enjoy as is or with extras added in as above listed. 

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1 comment

Heidi's Wanderings said...

I was surprised how filling chia seeds are. I bought some drinks with chia seeds in them and I wasn't as hungry as I get sometimes.