Why Getting Married Young Can Be Hard Sometimes

I have heard it all. The "You were a baby when you got married" all the way to the "gasp". Even the phrase, "We didn't think you would make it this far."

Getting married when you're young can be harder than if you were to get married when your in your later twenties or thirties maybe. Although this could be also an opinion that we are all entitled to and this is based off my own experience so far.

I married when I was just nineteen years of age. Our situation was a little more different since we also already had a baby together before we said our vows. With that being said here are a few of my theory's of why I believe getting married can be sometimes harder than getting married later on.

  1. You are still growing as a person. You may not know it but I have been still growing as a person throughout my twenties. I have had to search here and there for myself and what I truly want in life. That is not at all a bad thing. I have gone back to college twice since getting engaged and then married. I have tried out many hobbies. I have gone through many friends till I have found my true Mom friends. Getting married so young I feel I dragged my Husband along for the ride of me finding myself....which I feel we all do in our twenties. 
  2. You may be somewhat immature still. Men take longer to mature than women. It's been a proven fact. I also know that I was not in that mature stage for a marriage yet. Or at least completely. What I mean by that is...I didn't know how to cook, iron clothes, or really do too much laundry on my own. Yes I became a Mother at 18 years of age but she was easy to feed. Ha! And with that being said I did mature a ton once I became a Mother. I just now started to learn to cook those fancy means and use those fancy kitchen tools we received at wedding gifts. Sad I know. Don't judge me and I won't judge you. 
  3. Others don't take you seriously as a married couple. This one really annoyed me and still does. I still feel like some people still look at us like the young married couple that we no longer are. I felt people didn't take us seriously or trust our instincts. I mean come on when you first started out when you got married did you have the best of everything? No...okay then. I will never forget when someone told me just this past year, " We never thought you would make it this far." I was in total shock and thought wow...way to cheer us on...not! How about something like we are so proud of you guys for all the hard work we know getting married young is not always easy. 
  4. Not always knowing each other fully. This kind of gears back to reason number one. Since we are usually finding ourselves in our twenties and growing into ourselves we often change. Then we find out who our significant other is. I'm not saying like a..oh wow slap in the face kind of change. Like you don't know the your significant other at all. You just may notice different traits from them. For example: I have grown to become OCD about cleanness and a germs since I moved out on my own. Now my Husband is learning how to put up with it. 

But with hard work and God in your marriage getting married at a young age can really pay off when your truly in love with each other. 

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Cori said...

I'd like to apologize on behalf of all of those who said those things to you. I have friends that married at 19. We all knew they'd make it because they'd been in love since the age of 6, but it was still a shock when they got married. I married at 25, and understand where you're coming from about finding yourself. My saint of a husband has put up with some of my wacko self-searching adventures.

Unknown said...

I believe that everyone has their own path and though they may have a hard time finding it, is not up to anyone else to pass judgement on any wishes or choices that anyone else has made. I personally think that I wont ever get married (my reasons are related to age though not particularly the same as above). I find that it is hard to get anyone who has set their mind to seeing what ever you are doing as "wrong" to change them. I have close friends who I probably wont ever be able to have another coffee for more than 20 minutes every few months because they go on a rampage about how my choices will doom me.

I wish you the best
Lari x

Lariane | www.simplyelegancebylari.com