Weekend Recap

This week and weekend flew by too fast and before I knew it I was preparing the girls to head back to school and prepping for the new Bikini Series. Phew...deep breath.
I can actually admit I am sad that spring break is over. It was a nice glimpse of summer break. Sleeping in...not having to rush breakfast in the AM...being able to stay in our Pj's past 8AM. Oh even better I was able to drink my first cup of coffee in a real coffee cup and not a on-the-go mug! The girls had a great spring break doing a mixture of activities. Soccer practice even started up for our oldest Daughter. Does your child play a sport? If so what one? I never imagined being a soccer Mom. I love it though!
We started our backyard make-over this weekend. Did you know that railroad ties weigh like 100 pounds!? Well they do and we bought six of them for our backyard. You will have to wait to find out what for..he he! We also bought more patio bricks to add on to our brick patio behind our home. Right now it is a small 8X10. Therefore we are adding on another section that will be 8X10. The plan is to use that area for a nice wood picnic table. We like to eat outside a lot during the nice warmer months here in Michigan. Do you have a patio you enjoy?
Our backyard does not grow grass like almost at all hence why we are finally doing a backyard make-over to cover up the dirt. Or should I say mud when it rains. Speaking of backyard we planted a few little organic plants with the girls. I hope to grow a little raised garden and maybe expand it again this year. What plants do you grow in your garden?

As you can tell as had a stay-cation for our spring break. I am happy with that because by the time spring break comes around I just want to do N O T H I N G. Although the weather here in Michigan could be a lot warmer and a sunny beach would be nice. Ha!

Also don't forget the Tone It Up- Bikini Series has started and I jumped on the band wagon and am doing the 8 week series. So far I love everything about it! Even my Daughters love some of the recipes. I will be creating a page to track my progress for all of you who would like to follow my goals, mile markers and even some health recipes and tips! If your a Tone It Up girl follow my blog and Instagram to keep up with me too!

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