My Better Late Than Never New Years Resolution (& why)

During the New Year I was browsing through Pinterest and stumbled upon a pined quote. A quote that felt near and dear to me heart and struggles. This past year had been a really trying year for myself and for my Husband. If you don't know already I am a chronic sufferer of migraines. Now I have started to gain some more symptoms that have put some blocks in the road. It feels like I have been living in the Doctors office this past year.

After much praying and discussing we decided it was in my best interest to try out a new Doctor. After all there was nothing to lose but hopefully only to gain more knowledge or answers. Or yet maybe even relief. After all I have a family to take care of and show my unconditionally love to.

Back to New Years and praying.

While I was browsing Pinterest remember the Pin I told you about in the beginning that caught my eye and heart. When I pin I always go check out the website. I clicked on the site it then directed me to a blog. It brought to to another women blogger who too is a Mom and wife. Get this...she a Youth Pastors Wife who suffers from a chronic illness as well. She had wrote a post about a new year being fierce with hope.

I knew at that moment God brought me to her blog to read it. At that moment I knew I was not alone, that he is watching over me. Even though it may be a slow road for answers...God is slowly answering my prayers. He is listening to me and guiding the Doctors in the right direction.
Free Printable: Here

So this is my late New Years resolution post. It's a tad late because when I posted this first on my Instagram it seemed to cause some controversy with some. It truly saddens me that others take something so pretty and beautiful and can make it about them and can hurt others so deeply when they don't know your whole true story. So please do me a favor...when you see someone today smile at them. A smile can go a long way in someones day.

 Smiles are contagious.  And remember everyone is fighting their own battles so please be kind. 

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Kaitlyn Hoffman said...


Unknown said...

I like that quote...and I'm praying for you.