5 Reasons Why I'm No Longer 21

Lately I have been reflecting on life. Don't we all do that once in a while? I look back and see where I was to where I am now. How I have grown as an individual. My dreams I have conquered and the new dreams and goals I have now set for myself.

It didn't really hit me till I took this picture with my Daughter during my reflecting time that I am no longer 21. I am now in my mid-twenties. I am getting close to thirty. That genuinely feels quit odd to say.
After capturing this photo my Daughter ran out of the room. She insisted we needed to take a goofy picture. I stayed back for a few minutes studying the photo on my phone. Starring at this photo really made me realize I am no longer 21. My goofy face is gaining some wrinkles in spots that never had wrinkles. But that won't keep me from taking goofy pictures with my little ladies. These new found wrinkles are from stories and aging. The aging part I do not like as much as the stories that helped place these wrinkles in their places.

1. Motherhood. Motherhood sure had made me realize I am no loner 21. Long nights out now have turned into evening Starbucks dates with my girlfriends. I make sure I plan them out well where dinner is finished and kids are ready for bed. And of course Starbucks closes around here at 9-10PM therefore I am back just in time for my bedtime. Although I am sure I already yawning before then even sipping on strong coffee sitting in Starbucks. Thank goodness for Starbucks or as I'd like to think my new Mommy night club.
2. Learning to cook. Roman noodles and Hamburger Helper no longer sound appealing. Not that there is anything wrong with them. It was time for me to officially learn to cook real meals. The kind that involve heading to the grocery store with an actual grocery store list separated into meal plans. Like a true adult because I was no longer feeding just my Husband and I, and the littles one was no longer on purred foods. Learning to buy organic food vs. non organic foods, how to use a crock pot and that cooking is fun.

3. Sleepless nights. Sleepless nights and late nights have a whole new meaning now then they did back when you were young and 21. Even though I didn't have many of your typical 21 year old night outs I did have some! Once you become a Mother your sleepless nights consist of a baby feeding bottle party till sunrise. Sometimes even passing out in the rocker. If you get lucky you will get a baby that will start sleeping through the nights eventually, but sleepless nights always remain once you become a parent or just as an adult. Don't be fooled.

4. My skin is changing. I wear glasses if you haven't noticed. If you haven't something is wrong and you need to follow via Instagram! I wear those big plastic frames...guilty. In the past year I have noticed they eventually start to fall down my nose. I finally went to a mirror and noticed a shiny face. I utter shock since all my life I have had a dry face. I was blessed in my teen years in that department. I researched why my facial skin would start to sudden change. Well lone behold...facial skin starts to get oily around your thirties. Ah! That's where this aging thing comes in.

5. I see wrinkles. Yup you heard smile I see wrinkles in certain areas. When I take a goofy picture with my Daughter I see wrinkles in certain areas. Wrinkles are a sign of aging. I am aging yes and I may only be in my mid-twenties but I feel wonderful and young with a life full of Motherhood ahead of me. I feel wonderful because these wrinkles have stories. They are there because I take goofy picture with my Daughters. I have wrinkles from frowning at my Daughters while discipline them when their misbehaving. I have wrinkling from smiling everyday. I will continues to gain more as I age whether I like it or not. As for right now they hide behind every smile and goofy photo for now. And I am okay with that.
right. When I

What makes you realize you are no longer 21?

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1 comment

Leilani said...

The wrinkles. . . they're coming. I'm 32. . . wrinkles??? Already?? Makes me sad. And once I thought I saw a gray hair. Then I thought it was blonde. Then I thought maybe gray. Then I thought, well whatever I'm pulling it out, haha!