Who Are You...I Am Me

I am just me

I am a whole lot of other things that makes ME who I am: that completes me. What makes up who you are today?

I am a Mother. I do not work outside of my home therefore Motherhood that is my full time job. I love my job with all my heart. I make many sacrifices ever day that I am truly blessed to be able to make. Being a Mother I have learned it is has it's up days and it's down days. It also had many dirty days with some clean days thrown in there. Being a Mother makes up a lot of me.

I am a Wife.

 I strive to be the best Wife I can be for my Husband, although I have learned to accept we are both not near perfect. I have slowly learned that I am not right in every argument. In fact arguments are almost always pointless. Almost seven years later in our marriage I have learned that communication is one the top keys to success. And to have your marriage run smoothly and succeed you really do need  God in it. If you both allow God in your marriage, your marriage may run much more smoothly. Most importantly never forget why you fell in love.

I am a dreamer, achiever, a Daughter and Sister.

I am a writer.

I wrote my first short story in elementary school that won an award. Ever since I was just a little elementary student walking the halls that little girl knew she wanted to write a book in hopes to get it published. Writing will always be a apart of me. In the school days secretly writing while pretending to pay attention because something popped into my head. I will always be a writer. I share my dreams of becoming an author someday.

And why is it that we allow ourselves to fall into the trap and feel like in today's society sometimes we are not good enough being just: ourselves? Why do we often feel like we have to always strive to be the best in today's world. Better and better. Of course it's okay to want to better ourselves but not to feel accepted. Let's accept everyone for who they are; their personality, their faults and imperfections.

If they don't write a perfectly drafted blog post, look beyond that, if their home is messy with kids running around, look beyond that. If someone is having a rough day and slips a naughty word, brush it off and say it's okay.

We are not perfect. We are just us. You are just you and I am just me. And that is okay because we are all brilliant in our own ways. 
What makes you who you are?
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Leilani said...

Great post! I love all your images and you are exactly right in everything you have said!

Amanda Moments said...

I love this post! It's all about going beyond that "labels" that define who we are, although some labels we can take pride in. This inspires me to do this sort of post for myself!