Today I would love to just sit here on my couch with my feet up on my coffee table just so. Maybe even propped up on a pillow would be nice while sipping on my hot cup of coffee. In all reality that would last me, oh maybe a few minutes until one of the girls needs something, chores start calling my name, a diaper needs changing or the dog needs to be let outside. Although, as of right now I am going to sit here and enjoy it for these few minutes. More than I usually would allow myself.
Why? Because yesterday It was rough. Not rough as in a bad day emotionally or things didn't go my way. My endometriosis decided to flair up yesterday and it was not, I repeat not a good day for it to flair up. I don't like to complain about my endometriosis but, this is the reality of it. This is what it's like being a Mother, a wife and living the everyday struggle with endo. It is not easy nor is it pleasant. It has its good days along with its horrible days. Sometimes there is even some in between days. Those I can handle.
I wake up every morning praying and crossing my fingers literally for a good pain free day. Just give me a good day with no pain or sickness...please! I sometimes feel like I am beggar on my knees. One of the main reasons being is, that I have three Daughters. They want me to do active things with them. after all they are between the ages of seven and two years old. I plan enjoyable and fun tips with them always in the hopes I am pain and sick free. Or that is doesn't all a sudden spring upon me. I volunteer at their school as much as I can. But when I get my endometriosis attacks it plain OH sucks. It's hard to make plans with family members and friends because you just never know how your body is going to react that day. But for my Daughters I fight through it like a warrior. For them I will do anything.
And that's what I did yesterday. I had a filled day as a Mother and Wife. My oldest is more understanding and easier when it comes to my endo. But the other two Daughters not so much just yet. I can't blame them. Therefore I have to still chase my two year old around the yard; keep her out of trouble. Keep up the house, meet with appointments, have my awesome lunch buddy date with my oldest at her school and so on. You know the Mother duties. Ha ha. I can't put mine and my families lives on hold. But by the time my Husband came home from work with dinner in his hand I finally was able to surrender to bed reset. Did I mention he had dinner in his hand? Yay! He took over for me. Our Daughters then climbed in bed with me and drew me pictures. Art makes us happy in our home.
Now today I just want to sit. I feel exhausted from yesterday. That usually happens the day after when I have a rough day from the endo. And people ask why don't you do anything about it? I do. Trust me I do. But to really actually do something, it would involve surgery. To be honest...I'm not sure if I am ready for that just yet...So for now I try the endometrisosis diets and yoga.
It was a perfect ending to a painful day with all three of my Daughters by my side drawing me creative pictures. I always try to find A blessing in disguise.

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