The Great Blog Train Giveaway Winner & Features!

God’s Growing Garden

The 16th GREAT BLOG TRAIN was a blast! - We all safely reached The Adirondacks - our destination. It was a wonderful trip with 48 boxcars!! We (the Engineers) would like to thank all of you for travelling with us and we hope that you all had a wonderful time!
The Giveaway Winner is: S.V.H.
(I have contacted the winner by email)
W   A   N   T   E   D  :
The Great Blog Train by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo BlogTrainDestination_zps2925d251.jpg

(Being a "Destination Cohost" means that you get to pick our next destination!!  It also means that you will post The Great Blog Train on your blog on the first Wednesday of whatever month you will be cohosting (1 different cohost per month).  We (the engineers or hosts) will provide you with the html code for the blog hop & for the Giveaway - all you will have to do is add into that post some information on the destination that you picked (like population, known for, location etc - basic family friendly facts) and add a few pictures.  Also, if you cohost we ask that you promote it on your social media sites) (We are now scheduling for the fall/2014).
If you are interested in being a Co-host for the Great Blog Train then please click HERE and fill out the form (THANK YOU!!)

We are now featuring the top 3 Boxcars!  (These are the links that received the most clicks)

#2  "5 Days of Strawberry After School Snacks" by "StuckonaCloud"  
5 days of strawberry after school snacks @

#3  "Change Your Thoughts & Change Your World" by Darlene Nemeth

Chalk Board Printable Quote about Gratitude

We will be promoting these wonderful featured posts on Twitter & google+ (use hashtag GreatBlogTrain to follow along) #GreatBlogTrain
and these features have also been Pinned to the "Great Blog Train" Pinterest Board

And don't forget - next month the April "Caboose" will be featured on all 5 of the Hostesses blogs!

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