Happy Easter Sunday: The Weekday MIXER Social Media LINK-UP!!

Happy Easter Sunday! He has risen! 
It was wonderful waking up to every one's beautiful and creative Easter baskets that they planned and put together for their children. This year we choose to take a step back. A step back on the creative baskets full of goodies. A step back on the time spent in the stores searching for the perfect Easter dresses for all tree Daughters. Instead we took that time and put into family time. We spend the weekend just enjoying the true meaning of Palm Sunday. Relaxing and actually enjoying what he sacrificed for us. 

The seventh Weekday Mixer was a great success! We had 95 blogs linked up and numerous social media link-ups! We hope that you all had the opportunity to mix and mingle and make some awesome new buddies!

Weekday Mixer 
Welcome to the 8th week of The Weekday Mixer Social Media Link-Up! As you know, it is a brand new social media link-up for all to join! This mixer is all about networking and making connections. Also, you can gain exposure and increase your social media following! Link up your social media accounts and mix it up with some of the other linkers. Each week, the Weekday Mixer will start on Sunday nights at 8:00pm and go on until Friday night at 11:59pm. One linker will be chosen from each host and guest host each week and featured in the following week's link-up! If chosen, a brief summary about yourself and your blog/website and all of your social media accounts will be featured. It's a great way to stand out among the crowd! 

Meet your fabulous hosts...

Natasha from Epic Mommy Adventures | Angel from Sew Crafty Angel | Cathy from A Peek Into My Paradise
Cece from A Chicago Mom | Shana from Organized Chaos
Liz from Look by Liz Lewis | Kaitlyn from Three Sisters and Us | Julia from Minivan Dreams

and your awesome guest hosts!

Weekday Mixer guest hosts Apr 2014
Sherry Ann from Teach, Inspire, Love, Raise | Kareen from Pink Heart String
Rebecca from Probably Crafting | Bonnie from Lady Blogger

Interested in being a guest host of the Weekday Mixer? Fill out this form and Natasha will be in touch with more information.

Now meet this week's featured bloggers...

Celeste at Leapfrog and Lipgloss

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  "Hello and welcome! My name is Celeste and I reside in the suburbs of St. Louis, Missouri. Formally employed in the fashion and beauty industry, I am a married, stay-at-home mom to two imaginative little girls, ages 5 and 7 who keep me on my toes!  I decided to create this blog to incorporate two of my main loves: Parenting and my Passion for Fashion and Beauty. Leapfrog meets Lipgloss, if you will! And a healthy dose of everything else in between."

  Connect with Celeste!
  Blog | Google+ | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Bloglovin | Pinterest  

Dana at Chocolate & Sunshine

  "I named this blog Chocolate and Sunshine because both make me happy and perhaps they do the same for you. I NEED my chocolate daily (I’m not kidding) and I LOVE every day of sunshine that I can get.  Please join me as I share my personal home-decorating photos, design inspiration, suggestions and projects. These include baking, party planning, and holidays. And I can’t wait to see what you all will share with me!"

  Connect with Dana!
  Blog | Google+ | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest  

Vicki at Sweet Tea n' Sunshine

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 "I am a normal girl originally from Wisconsin and this is my creative outlet; to get my thoughts and inspirations out and share a piece of it with the world. I am married to the man of my dreams! We live a normal happy life and share a home together in the beautiful Sunshine State; I migrated down here 7 years ago. We are two people very much in love and make it a primary goal to keep it that way. We are kids at heart and enjoy spending time with family and friends, doing projects around the house or yard, sports, attending events around town, and volunteering in our city and Church."

Connect with Vicki!
  Blog | Facebook | Instagram | Bloglovin | Pinterest  

Stephanie at From Conference Calls to Meatballs

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 "I write about food, family and local adventures. Nothing ever seems to go smooth around here, but that is part of the adventure and fun. I have no problem laughing at myself and giving others the opportunity to laugh along with me. While I am not a chef, I do really enjoy sharing food adventures, both in cooking and finding cool places to eat. I have a lot of wonderful professional resources that help me out when needed, and yet sometimes I still crash and burn."

  Connect with Stephanie!
  Blog | Facebook | Instagram | Bloglovin | Pinterest | Twitter | Google+ | YouTube | LinkedIn  

Carolyn at A Lavender Life

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 "Carolyn Jennings is a former elementary and middle school teacher working at home as a full-time mommy of her two little girls. She is an avid historical fiction reader, writer, Diet Coke fiend in recovery, novice runner, and collector of beauty products. She was born in New York where she met and married her college sweetheart and is currently residing in the Deep South where she is working on perfecting her southern charm."

Connect with Carolyn!
  Blog | Facebook | Instagram | Bloglovin | Pinterest | Twitter | Google+

 Congrats to all of the Featured Bloggers this week! If you haven't already, please follow our Featured Bloggers on all of their social media channels. Featured Bloggers - feel free to add this button to your sidebar and claim your recognition!
Weekday Mixer
<div align="center"><a href="http://epicmommyadventures.com/category/blog-hops/weekday-mixer/" title="Weekday Mixer" target="_blank"><img src="http://epicmommyadventures.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/weekdaymixer-featured_zps352a744d.png" alt="Weekday Mixer" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Let's get started...

  • Show some love to your hosts and co-hosts simply by following them on social media and leaving a comment so they can follow you back.
  • Link up all of your social media accounts!
  • Check out some of the other links and make some new friends!
Please feel free to share our blog button on your sidebar.
Epic Mommy Adventures
<div align="center"><a href="http://epicmommyadventures.com" title="Epic Mommy Adventures" target="_blank"><img src="http://epicmommyadventures.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/WeekdayMixer2200px_zps2f25b12e.png" alt="Epic Mommy Adventures" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Link up your awesome blog posts here!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
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