Sister's Know Best: A read that will melt your heart!

You know the saying Mothers Know best? Well I am now a firm believer that Sisters know best as well.

Our youngest two daughter's share a bedroom. We have a pretty set bedtime routine with all three daughters and honestly can't really complain. Expect for those off nights that every child and parent seems to have here and there right? We're all human. No one is perfect.

Once all the three girls would be tucked in their beds, sometimes I would catch myself having to tell our Viv, "Be quiet please." She would never say anything back. She would just get really quiet instead. So technically she did listen. Ha ha.

Finally one night it was enough. Our youngest had fought us about going to bed and Viv wasn't being all that quiet. I finally went into their room after Helen had stopped crying and told Viv to be quiet please. That was the moment that melted my heart. The moment as a mother that I will never ever forget. At that moment I learned a lot.

My daughter said to me, "Ma ma SHH I'm singing Helen to sleep. I don't like it when she cries sometimes so I sing to her and it makes her fall asleep." After our short and sweet conversation I had learned that was exactly what she was doing when I would tell her to be quiet please all those times.

Now I'm not sure if she sang to her because she just didn't want to hear her cry because of annoyance or because of that motherly instinct built inside turned into sisterly instinct. Which ever one it is it totally melts my heart completely.

Still to this day Viv will sing out littlest to sleep if she fights her bedtime. And I am okay with that. I just peek into the room and sometimes watch. He he! And I cannot wait to share this special memory when their older.

It also made me realize another thing raising three daughters, sisters know best. When it comes down to it, they really truly are there for each other and know whats best for each other. Like singing their baby sisters to sleep.

Share what your kids do that melts your heart. I'd love to hear!!

Have a blessed week.

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