Since Becoming A Mother: Part 1

Since becoming a Mother I have really learned a lot. I have learned that most of us women have a natural on and off switch built inside us when we have babies. Sometimes I feel like this could be a proven fact in a study. But some days I feel like I still struggle and wonder if I am doing my best. Don't we all as Mothers wonder that at times? I often sit here and wonder if I am bringing enough education into the home, God, family time, etc.

However before I had my daughter's I sit back and ponder what it use to be like. Sometimes it is honestly really difficult to even remember the past life before kids. Is that crazy? After all I did have my first daughter at the age of eighteen. Therefore I did over pass the college party stage and enter right into motherhood. However becoming a Mother it has taught me more than I will ever be able to understand. Although these are some particular habits and lessons I have learned and encountered since becoming a mother.
Since Becoming A Mother
I have learned to watch my sailor mouth.
Before I had my daughters I had a sailor mouth. For example, I would be thrilled it was Friday. I would be with my girlfriends and the words, "It's Friday bi****s. would come falling out of my mouth. Okay so would other not so nice words. PS. there is no passing judgment allowed on this blog. No one is perfect and don't tell me a curse word has never ever slipped out of your mouth ever in your life.

Now Every Friday I catch myself all excited that it's "Friday" getting in the car driving my three daughters to school in the AM. Instead now that I am a responsible Mother I now say, "Wohoo, it's Friday ladies!! Still with the same excitement. Our daughters love it and we all get pumped for the weekend. You should try it sometime. It changes the whole dynamic in the car ride to school and going into the weekends.
I have learned pony tails are the easiest and little girls love make-up.
Before I had my daughters I use to be able to spend hours in the bathroom doing my hair, applying make up, you know just experimenting. Today is a while different story. As long as my hair is down and not in a ponytail everyday my daughters are happy. I spend just enough time to splash some lose powder on my face to give some color.  If I do try to put make up on I have little girls also trying to apply lipstick, total fail. Now my mornings mainly consist of lots of snarls, long hair, pig tails and braids.

I have learned that I love naps.
What was wrong with me as a child? And worst what is wrong with my two year old who does not like taking naps now? Little does she know how much I would give to take a nap with her everyday. I'm wish now I never fought my naps now as a child. Ha ha! If only I could have an adult nap time. Maybe then I could stay up past an half hour after my daughters bed times and have some time for myself.

I have learned to love coffee and coffee creamer.
Before I had my last daughter I couldn't rationalize the thought drinking coffee because of its bitter taste. That was until I realized why adults actually drink coffee. Trying to keep up with two tittle's ones and caring for a baby at the same time was becoming exhausting. That was when I learned that coffee would become one of my best friends. My go to girl in the mornings that end in "Y". Soon after I learned that all the different varieties of coffee creamers tasted better than black coffee. Which grew into the love for Starbucks lattes.

I have learned not to be selfish.
Honestly I am not sure if this is learned or just comes naturally to most of us Mothers. For example,  I often find myself shopping for my daughters rather than myself. Since becoming a Mother I make sacrifices now that I wouldn't have thought of making before having my first daughter. Though I would not change this for the world.
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