Monday we had her post op appointment or in easier terms check up. Everything checked out great with her eyes besides the fact she was squinting her right eye. Usually the squinting is caused from dry spots. Thankfully Helen had no dry spots in her right eye. Therefore to get her to stop squinting we were giving normal type of eye drops to help her eye produce tears naturally and to prevent her eyes from drying out. Also to continue the gel drops that also do the same thing. Pretty much we have to double team them to prevent any drying of her right eye and cure Helen from squinting her right eye. We have to continue to do this till next Friday. It felt like a little set back but I was happy to hear that there were no serious complications and only one more week of extra drops daily. And of course a week more of battling a strong two year old to get the drops in. Ha ha!
That afternoon at home I noticed her right eye started to become swollen. The worry Mom that I can be double checked paper work I received about when to call the eye Doctor. Sure enough it said to call if the eyes started to become swollen. After talking with the nurse and eye Doctor I was told to do more frequent cold compresses on her right eye. If that did not bring down the swelling I would have to bring her back in the next afternoon. Of course another battle that Helen was not a fan of.
I started to feel my breaking point as a mother. The busy life with two older daughters in school. And here I am with two steps back with Helen's eye recovery. I wanted to get mad because she should be almost or healed by now besides the redness in her eyes and the sensitivity to light. That will take a few weeks. All I could do now was/ is pray for Helen and her recovery to gain those few steps forward again and for myself as a parent to have patience.
After praying all evening, night and morning I noticed the swelling started to go down in her right eye the net day. Thank you Lord! Each day her right eye has progressed even better with the eye drops and cold compresses.
PS. Don't forget about the TGIF BLOG HOP
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