Sometimes Mothers Can't Cry

The last thing we want for our children is for them to be in pain or to be sick. As a mother we always want whats best for our children. And as a mother I am willing to do that distance. In face I think most of us are, even fathers.
This past weekend after we had Evalyn's follow up she had another episode. That is what I call them now when she gets sick. They seem to be in the evening and or in the middle of the night when the episodes happen. I was in shock honestly. She has been off dairy now since the first of the year and we thought we had the situation under control. Situation being with dairy and the constipation.

As I sat there in the bathroom with my daughter from 2AM till 6AM I began to feel very discouraged as a parent. My 7 year daughter knew the routine by now. She looked up at me and said with tears in her eyes, "Mom I feel like I am going to be sick for the rest of my life." As a mother at that moment I wanted to break down and cry. I wanted to lose it. But I knew I couldn't. This was my time as a mother to be strong and not show her that I was clueless, that I had no idea why she kept getting sick. That her Dr.s kept blaming it on constipation and a dairy allergy when my motherly instincts kept telling me otherwise.

Finally we were able to fall asleep on the couch around 6AM watching her favorite show which seems to help keep her mind of the pain. As the weekend proceeded I did my own research. From the medical information I gathered and the medical information I knew from constipation I called into her Pediatric office demanding for answers this time. I am blessed with a great relationship with our daughters pediatrician, but it's getting through the nurses brains on the phone that can be sometimes difficult!
Once I gave my knowledge that I had gathered and demanded answers we came to a semi conclusion. We are all to believe that our oldest daughter Evalyn has Acid Reflux. They prescribed her a prescription and I pray that it helps her start to feel better. After talking to my cousin last night not knowing she had it as a young child it was like deja vu.

Here is to hoping and praying this is our answer and our daughter start to feel better.


SunshineMama said...

Olivia has had constipation issues since forever, and what really helps her is digestive enzymes. Cheap, chewable (or they have capsules), and all natural. Check into health food places or order online and she can take 2 w/ each meal. No biggie.

Kaitlyn Hoffman said...

Thank you for the advice. We have upped her daily fibber intake along with fiber chewable. Though now we are now to think these symptoms are from acid reflux.
