My Four Year Old Says The Darnedest Things

The other morning as we were walking out the door to the car. My four year old daughter stops in her tracks and says to me, "Mom." Then she pauses for a quick second. "Your car is every one's car. Your have to share your car." I responded to her quickly as I was trying to rush all three girls into the car since the oldest sister likes socialize before the bell rings, "you are correct, it does seem that way doesn't it Viv" I replied.  I brushed it off because kids can say the darnedest thing sometimes and if you know our daughter Viv on a personal level she can really say the darnedest things of all four year olds.

However as the afternoon continued, I started to ponder about my daughters statement and how true it was. She truly knew what she was talking about. I mean seriously, our kids understand more than we think they do. Sometimes they are not afraid to say it how it is. And when they say it, the way of their thinking at their age is so simple. So in other words it comes out blunt. Right? Oh what the world would be like if we all expressed ourselves like an four year old. He he he.

Yet she was correct in more than just the car. As a mother my car is not just my car. It's the family car. It's the car that we take everywhere as a family. I guess you could say it's the "family" car. When your a mother not only do you end up sharing your car. You share your bathroom. I don't know about you, but my bathroom is no longer my escape. It seems to have become the meeting place. I sometimes have to share my bed as well with the little ones who come wandering in the middle of the nights scared from a nightmare. I noticed I have ended up having to share my shoe closet now with my daughters. Their just so much more fun than their own dress up shoes in their own toy room. That's okay, I remember parading around the house as a little girl in my mother's heels too. I now share my computer with my oldest daughter. It's crazy to think that she can now work a computer all on her own. Ah!!

In the end I am okay with sharing. I love that my daughters see that I share. I hope it rubs off on them someday. Although some things I would rather not share more than others of course just like my four year old, but I am only human. Some nights I would like a full nights of rest or a shower with no interruptions for once. I know that day will soon come and I will miss sharing. So for now I will be happy with Sharing and the in between sleepless nights followed by mornings buzzed on caffeine and my sweet blunt conversations with my four year old daughter who I can't wait to share these moment with her friends and boyfriend and laugh when she's older.

Have a blessed day!


Lacey Tullis said...

This is so great! And so true! I definitely feel like I share eveything. I don't think I've eaten a whole meal, gone to the bathroom, or even been in a room longer then a minute by myself. Lol. But I love it! Neat that Viv made the connection to sharing!

Rachel said...

Those little ones see and understand so much! It's awesome that they learn these lessons in sharing from you at such a young age! Though sometimes it's scary how much they understand of what we do...

Sandra said...

I love 4 year olds!
I miss when mine were that little!
She is adorable!

Unknown said...

You know its funny I'm a 54 yr old grand parent and still share a lot with our kids. lol