I Am That Mom...

Ever since I have become a mother of three I have come to conclusion that...
 I am that mom.

I am that mom who will all of a sudden break out into a silly dance move. Whether it's when we walk in the door from school, in the grocery store because I get an ounce of excitement, or we are simply having a dance party in the living room. My daughters most always laugh and giggle. Sometimes they may give me the "look." They have learned growing up with me as their mom I can be crazy but fun. I want them to learn to be able to let lose and not be to uptight. Have fun in life.

I am that mom who sings in the car while tapping my thumbs on the steering wheel. My daughter's have not complained yet. Matter of fact sometimes we break out into a mini choir. Okay not sometimes, most of the time, and I love it. Therefore our car rides are not usually on the quiet side. If you prefer a quiet carpool, we are not for you. Ha ha.

Sometimes I catch myself being that mom who says, "Because I said so."  or "It's for your own good" Don't tell me you have never ever said some sort of line like that to your children? Unless your not human. Of course those lines come as the last resort. After hours or days of explaining myself to my two and four year old why this holistic medicine that I made will make them feel better, but for some reason does not smell great. Another example from yesterday was, why snow can be good for you just like water. Over and over and over. You get my drift. Finally I was able to end that conversation by, only if it's not yellow. No questions from then on.
I'm being brave an adding a picture of me while in state of working! Ah! Working which is stay at home mom. And our lovely home under a make over. Have you ever bought a foreclosure? I don't think I will ever again.

I am that mom who does not like to sugar coat things. I'm not talking about sugar you bake with from your kitchen. I am all about preparing them for the real world. For the most part, you know age appropriate of course. I can't wait till their all old enough to volunteer with me at God's Kitchen or a food pantry. I think it's great for Children to see what it's like for other children who do not have what they do have.

I am that mom who tells my kids I love them more than you will ever know. I believe you can never tell a child you love them too much. Never hug a child too many times. Or kiss them on a check once to many. I may embarrass my oldest every morning at drop off, but deep inside I know she loves it and I need it too! How do I know my daughters are feeling the love I give them? Because they tell me all the time, out of the blue that they love me back.

What do you do as a mom that stands out?


Mellie said...

I love this! I'm *that* mom too :) My kids don't bat an eye when I break out singing opera in the car with an orchestra on full blast in the background, haha. Thank goodness they don't know well enough how often I'm off-key :) It's really great that we can share all our strengths with our kids, isn't it?

Stepping into Motherhood said...

Great, sweet post. I have two daughters, not quite three. Yet ;) I love to sing and dance with them too. They're only two and four so they still think it's fun to sing and dance with mommy. And yes, we can never hug them and tell them we love them enough.

Anonymous said...

Oh this just popped into my head. Me and my 3 yr old daughter will be sitting around in the living room, or eating at the dinner table and I'll say "Hey, guess what? I like you" or " You're pretty". She'll say Thanks and go back to what she's doing lol. But recently she's been doing the same thing to me! lol. I didn't start doing it to fish for compliments but HEY! I'll take it :)

Kaitlyn Hoffman said...

It is great! They will appreciate it someday. Right?! Ha ha.

Kaitlyn Hoffman said...

I believe it's how we know we are doing a job well done! Great job!

Noor Unnahar said...

You're SO cool mom :)
Noor | Noor's Place

~Anchored In Christ~ said...

Sounds like something I would do. I'm not a mom yet and I'm 30 as of 5 days ago. I know one day I will have kids if I'm able to and will probably be the mom that you described. Esp the one who will bust out singing and dancing in the car. LOL


I'm now following you on twitter and your blog. would love a follow back girl.

Unknown said...

You are entitled to be proud of your ways of bringing up your kids. Every parents know what is best for their kids and the kids will also adjust themselves with the ways their loved ones want them to be ... I adored the way you document down your thoughts. Thanks for sharing and joining 4 seasons blog hop. Cheers and have a nice day.

Kaitlyn Hoffman said...

Thank you so much and you are so correct! Have a blessed day. :)

NaturalGanic said...

I always wondered if their are other moms out their that do the singing and dancing as much as I do. I like your mommy style. I am that mom that randomly sings and makes up the words of lullabies I can't remember just to entertain my son.

Kaitlyn Hoffman said...

Perfect!! I too find myself sometimes finding other words to fit in places of those I tend to forget. ;)
