Photo Friday

Another week has flown by. If only they fly by this quick during the cold months.

 This week have we have been preparing for Halloween. I have been working on getting my kids to understand that Halloween is about being creative. It's not always about going to the store and spending 30 dollars on a costume.  I can't wait to reveal their costumes next week. 
 Playing outside in almost 80 degree weather. Two weeks later its 30 degrees and snowing. Only in Michigan.
 A glimpse at our family Dog. Also known as Helen's buddy.
 This is how we do homework after dinner. Even the two younger girls get involved. 
Lastly, We had a field trip to the pumpkin patch Wednesday for Viv's class. The hay ride was a bumpy one. 
Have a blessed weekend.


Melissa said...

Halloween is serious so much fun, to bad in Belgium they don't celebrate it that much! :(

Photo Challenge @The Mind of an exchange

HickChickBritt said...

How fun! I love seeing the kids Halloween costumes.