The Great Blog Train Hop!

All Aboard!!!
The Great Blog Train

A monthly blog hop departing from your online train station on the first Wednesday of every month!

God’s Growing Garden

 Have you heard? -
The Great Blog Train has 3 new Engineers!!
If you link up that means your blog will be seen on 5 different blogs!!!
The Great Blog Train's second Giveaway!!!

Win 1 free Monthly Ad space on - click
a Rafflecopter giveaway


There are many ways to enter & then don't forget to link up to the train below!!

God’s Growing Garden

Remember to join the fun even if you are running a little late.  The last entry will receive the Caboose Feature! 

August's caboose and featured blog happens to be:

 Garden Chef's Needle and Pen  Congratulations! 

The author of this wonderful blog is a nurse educator by day and a Blogger by night - her passion is cooking for her family, she is addicted to crocheting, loves to write & enjoys plants and dogs.  Please checkout her lovely blog!
Blog Train Rules, by Angie Ouellette-Tower for

1. Follow all five of the hostesses in at least one of the following ways: GFC, Twitter, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Linky, Networked Blogs, or Facebook. Then leave us a comment telling us how you followed so that we can come back & visit you! The hostesses are:


Mice in the KitchenThree Sisters and UsTurnips 2 Tangerines

2. Now link up your family friendly blog to the train

3. And last, but not least, connect to the boxcar in front of you (the blog in the linky just before you). Stop by that person's blog, have a look around and leave a comment letting them know that you stopped in!

Now that you have your ticket you are
ready to board the rest of the train!

OPTIONAL:You may grab our “Great Blog Train” button and post it on your sidebar or link page.
Also, feel free to spread the word – the more the merrier!


AngieOuellette-Tower said...

Thank you so much Kaitlyn for agreeing to be one of the new Engineers!! - It looks great on your blog!!
PS - Please check your email

Jenn said...

Thanks for the train ride Kaitlyn!

Isobel Morrell said...

Thanks for the train ride - long time since I went on a cross-continental one! Thanks too for co-hosting.
Have followed you on GFC - nice to meet you.


Garden Chef said...
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Garden Chef said...

Liked your FB page already! Thank you for choosing as the August caboose and the featured blog!

Amila said...

Thanks for hosting this great hop! following you via GFC...

Unknown said...

Thanks for the GBT!
New GFC follower.

Spiced Palette Designs

Sandra said...

Thanks for hosting.
New follower (blogger/google)