Green Juice For Colds & Energy (recipe)

If you know me, I love to juice. Juicing can be health beneficial in many ways.

 The past couple days I haven't been feeling well. I believe being busy and stressed this past week took a toll on my immune system. I woke up yesterday morning with a sinus headache, little head cold and very tired. Obviously the best medicine is, rest. But lets be serious, us moms have no time for resting when we're sick
So I thought I'd share a juice I make when I am fighting a head cold/sinuses or just feeling exhausted. Please note I am not a Doctor. This juice cures my sinus pain and allows me to breath again, along with some boosted energy to help me through the afternoon. Take in consideration it may work different for you. It is a little tart from the lemon.

In this juice there is...
  • Lemon: Boosts your immune system. Helps body remove toxins. Natural energizer. 
  • Apples: Gives the juice a sweet flavor. Helps protect your bones. Helps asthma. ETC.
  • Kale: Aids in weigh loss. Rich antioxidant. High in protein. Boosts your metabolism. So many more health benefits. 
  • Spinach: Anti- aging. Great for your digestive system. High in iron.
  • Celery: Great for your immune system and many more.
  • Cucumber: Prevents headaches. Helps with weight loss. Plus many more benefits. 

Half a cucumber
Handful of spinach
          Handful of kale (optional)
 I always add kale to my juices because it has so many health benefits.
A lemon 
2 celery sticks. (You could probably get away with using one.)
3-4 apples. (The picture shows only one. I say 3-4 for better taste.)

NOTE: make sure you peel and core your apple and lemon if your juicer calls for it.
TIP: I sometimes add a couple ice cubes to cool it down and sometimes gives it a less flavor if your not huge into juicing. (my kids)


Unknown said...

ohh that looks yummy! I can't find Kale anywhere near where I live! It's so annoying!! I found your blog on the meet and greet blog hop! Following you on bloglovin now :D would love if you took a look at my blog if you have the chance! x

Maria said...

The weather just turned rainy where I live so I will definitely need an immune boost! Thank you for sharing. Linking up from the JustBYou hop!


Lisa | Fresh Eggs Daily® said...

Great post! I am a new fan and am going to spend some time browsing! I would love for you to come share at my From the Farm Blog Hop. We're trying to reach 300 linkups this week and we're almost there!
Fresh Eggs Daily

Kaitlyn Hoffman said...
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Kaitlyn Hoffman said...

You can't find kale?! I'd be lost if our local grocery store didn't carry it. I tried growing it this summer in my veggie garden. It didn't turn our well. Have you tried local farmers? Or an online program?

Kaitlyn Hoffman said...

Today is rainy here now! ha ha. Thanks for stoping by.

Kaitlyn Hoffman said...

Thank you Lisa! I will head over and join. have a great day!

Three Sisters and Us

Anonymous said...

It sounds very healthy, but for some reason I have a mental blockage when it comes to green Thanks for sharing with us at The HomeAcre Hop!

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