First Day Of Preschool

Today was Viv's first official day of preschool. Being that she is the opposite of shy we figured the first say would be easy peasy. We were fooled. She was excited till the time actually came. The whole week prior we were pumping her up in hopes to get her excited to go. That was far from the case last night when she told me, "I'm not going without you." "I want you to stay with me the whole time." She also told us, " I will be very mad at you if you leave me there." Then the heart breaking quote of all, "I will cry!" At that moment I realized she clearly is not ready to leave me. Little does she know I am not ready for her to start school either. But of course I can't let her know that.

Fast forward to this morning. She was still adornment about not wanting to go. She literally made me help her with everything that she usually does on her own. IE: brush teeth, get dressed and so on.

Once we arrived to her school and did the routine that we will continue to do at drop off, she was not any happier. At least I did not have to force her in the classroom and she did not cry. I for sure thought she was going to so I prepared myself by chewing gum. because we all know if she would have cried, I would have! I was able to stay for a couple minutes with her till she was settled. I introduced her to another little girl in her class, hoping that would help the transition because it still wasn't going great. At one point she had raised her leg so I was blocked from leaving her. It broke my heart. I finally told her it was time for me to go and you know the mommy thing. As I looked back she just sat there so sad, but no tears. Yay sort of?

On the way home I cried like a baby. Yes I admit it. I couldn't focus on anything but wanting to pick her up. When I picked her up she had a big smile on her face. Her first words to me were, "I didn't miss you at all mommy, okay maybe a tiny bit." She proceeded to tell me it was a beautiful day and all about her first day of school. Get this, She can't wait to go back Wednesday!

So our not so great start to her first day turned out great in the end.


Rachel said...

Well that's awesome that by the end of the day she liked it!

Kaitlyn Hoffman said...

Yes! A weight off my shoulders.