First Day Of FIRST Grade!

 School drop off was full of excitement. All the girls and boys reuniting again for another year together. It was also nice to have a conversation with the parents I have bonded within the past 3 years. 

No more counting down the days of summer. No more questions about how many days left till school starts. Today is our oldest daughters first day of first grade. We had such an enjoyable summer now onto a brand new school year. 

Getting back into routine may be a tad difficult at first. As it always is the first couple of weeks. Not only for the kids, but for myself as well. Nothing coffee can't solve though.

This morning while getting ready I asked my daughter if I could walk her in to her classroom and help her get situated. Her reply was, "I don't care. But no silly stuff okay." She didn't need me after all. Her and her friends/classmates walked inside while in their single file line just fine. They are first graders now. Along with first grade comes a new stage of independence and "Mom don't embarrass me". It honestly saddens me but at the same time I feel a power that I can embarrass her now. He he he. Of course I wouldn't do such a thing, least till she's older...maybe!

Here is to a new school year. I pray for a healthy and great year.


Unknown said...

She is beautiful and looks happy to be going to school. Beautiful photos.

Garden Chef said...

Pretty, lovable kids eh?!!! Following you now. Coming from the blog hop. Thank you!