What We have Been Up To...

I almost feel like I fell off the face of blogging lately. Basically since summer has officially started. Thats okay though...right? It just means we have been busy having a good summer thus far.

Busy I feel like is an understatement. I thought once school was out for summer I would be able to relax as a mother. Wrong. I feel even busier than I did during the school year. I'm sure many of you can relate with me on this one.

One of our projects we have been busy lately working on is our backyard. When we first bought our home, we mainly focused on beautifying our front yard. Finally 5 years later we are working on beautifying our backyard. We came across an annoyance with our backyard; it barley will grow grass. We tried and tried and finally gave up. Now our mission is to cover up the annoying dirt. The dirt and I have a "hate hate" relationship. Therefore our backyard transition also involves trying to cover up the dirt and planting flowers that will grow in shade.

Part of our backyard project involved a new and greater swing set. The kind that I had no idea said it would take 9 hours, lots of wood, drilling and cutting. Once it was complete we spent maybe about 4 hours laying wood chips around the swing set, turning it into the kids play area. We still need to put wood around to hold the wood chips in place and add the slide. All in working time right? I should add I did not help build the swing set. All props go to my husband, my dad and father in law.

Our other backyard project involved my new patio. We don't have a kitchen off the back of our home for a deck therefore I asked my husband to build me a patio. Once again a bigger project than I anticipated...for my husband. I absolutely love my patio now.

The third project involved building 2 more vegetable gardens. We now have 3 and they sure take a lot of my time. Right now I am trying to figure out an organic way to keep the insects from eating my plants. I'm also praying they produce us lots of veggies for me to can.

And of course Our most amazing project of all that God has blessed us with; our 3 daughters. They have been keeping me busier than ever this summer. I sure wish I had all the energy they seem to have. I just look at it as they are keeping me young.

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