Helen's New Glasses

This week Helen's glasses came in. She sure does look adorable in them.The purple fits her well. We thought it was going to be a challenge to keep them on her face; so far she is proving us wrong. The glasses are to help fix the esotropia in her right eye and a little in her left eye. Esotropia in simple terms is when the right eye or both eye turn in. Also known as cross eyed. A lot of times people get this confused with the lazy eye. The lazy eye is actually called, amblyopia. Esotropia can cause the lazy eye eventually. We think that we caught the esotropia in Helen's eyes early enough that we are hoping she only has to wear the glasses and maybe an eye patch. In a month we have a follow up with the pediatric eye Dr. to check the progress on her eyes. We are hoping for good news, which would be the glasses are doing the trick.


Megan said...

Hope the glasses work for her. She looks adorable in them!! I'm actually going to pick up glasses today...for myself and my oldest.

Marci Smith said...

Oh my goodness....she is the definition of precious!!