Protect Michigan Children

This is not an advertisment blog post. Being a Mother myself when I received the email in regaurds to do a post about the importance of spreading the word to other parents like myself about the importance of keeping our children safe, how could I not? So do me a favor a just take a moment of your day a do a little reading. 

Kids these days are growing up in an online world. Children as young as two are using tablets, mobile phones and computers. 93% of teens (12-17) are online and 63% of teen internet users are online every day. The online world is changing quickly and parents are struggling to keep up on what their kids are doing and who they are talking to. 

Michigan families, especially minors, are becoming inundated with advertisements from alcohol, tobacco, pornography and gambling marketers through different email inboxes and cell phones. Texting their advertisements is the newest marketing effort that many of these companies are using. With children spending more and more time online, it is a high priority to keep them safe from these types of messages. So what can parents do to limit the negative messages their children are exposed to online?

Thankfully, the State of Michigan offers a free program to stop adult advertisements from reaching e-mails, mobile phones (text messages) and instant messenger IDs. The Michigan Child Protection Registry, like the federal Do Not Call List, is a free do-not-contact service for Michigan’s families and schools and can be located at It only takes a few minutes to register your family.

I encourage you to sign up and inform your friends and colleagues about how they can protect children from unwanted adult advertising. 

If you have any questions or want more information regarding the Michigan Child Protection Registry, please contact Alisha Meneely at

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1 comment

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for blogging about this important Registry!