Here is to summer break with dirt covered toes, Popsicle covered faces and the neighborhood filled with the sound of children's voices coming from every which direction. Ah summer have I ever so missed you.
Here is to being able to enjoy my first hot cup of coffee on the comfort of my own front porch in the mornings. Along with late night bedtimes and hopes of sleeping in. That is if the early morning riser doesn't wake everyone up. is to no schedule and to saying no less often and yes more often. Hello summer!
Don't get my wrong I enjoy the school year and think school is great for our Daughters...but I sure do love them being home with me and being able to spend quality time with our girls.
What do you look forward to about summer break as a Mom, Dad or maybe not even as a parent?
Summer break is amazing! We were just marveling yesterday at how quickly it is almost over! The summer reading program at our library wraps up this week!!! Enjoy your time!
I love summer break and getting to explore summer activities with my daughter. It goes so fast! I am looking forward to taking her to the water park this next week!
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