Two Children's Book Reviews: "Leelo to the Zoo" and "Teapot and the Dragon"

If you don't know already we love love love reading in our home. We have our own mini library spread throughout the house. I always tell my Husband our next house is going to have "this and that" and one of those are own little library. Yes a room dedicated to just all of our books. Happily not sadly I believe it can be done. Speaking of keep an eye out! I'm currently creating a post how to create your own library of books on a budget. I started ours when our oldest was a baby and I was a young Mom and we had little money. It can be done! Now onto the book reviews. 

I am blessed to be able work with a great company who sometimes sends books for us to review. My Daughters love these reviews and get over joyed with the mail on these days. I do too. Reading before bed is a great time to relax and spend that quality time with your child/ children. Trust me children love to snuggle up with a good book too. Whether they may be able to ready yet, just learning, or can just listen and awe at the beautiful pages. It's a great way to get our littlest lady to fall asleep on my lap. It's been a nightly struggle to put her in bed. 

The first book is: "Leelo to the Zoo"
 Written by: Gaetane
Illustrated by: Simon Goodway

Now I don't want to go into to much detail and spoil the whole book for you because of course I believe you should purchase it to read to your own child. This children's book is great for both boys and girls. Leelo the little Angelus and one of his old friends went on a field trip to the zoo. This children's book is a great nature adventure book with bright colored intriguing pictures. Better yet you and your child will learn a lesson behind the story and can make a week out of this book with each chapter a night. You will enjoy this book! 

The second book: "Teapot and the Dragon" 
Written by: Nick Jordan 
Illustrated by: Nick Jordan 

My Daughters loved this book of course since its about tea parties and princesses. This children's book is very uniquely written and I just love the way the author thought it out the story and use his wording. Again I don't want to ruin the whole book for you because I really could easily do with this one! The islands are named after teapots and accessories from a tea party. At first Princess Rosehip thinks being a princess is boring until you start reading into the story. You will read about Prince spoon, a dragon and a king and queen. 

Disclosure: I received some sort of payment (product, gift card, affiliated link) in exchange for this post. All opinions are 100% my own.

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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Teapot and the dragon looks right up Madisons ally :)