Spring Nature Scavenger Hunt For All Ages

Spring has officially arrived. I don;t know about you but for myself as a Mom of three beautiful Daughters I am so excited for spring. 

I love the fact that I can send them outside in the backyard to play and have a clean house for a few. Although I think my dirt covered three year old makes up for it. Ha! Our backyard does not grow grass that well. If your have read previously we are in the makes of a backyard makeover. 
With spring arriving along with my Daughters always wanting to be outdoors and find objects I figured I would create a fun filled: Scavenger Hunt themed all about nature.
Please note this is not original size. It is larger.

While creating this fun filled nature scavenger hunt I made sure it had accountable objects for our three year old Daughter to find. I also made it easier for beginner readers. I wanted my two young readers to either read it on their own or sound the wo
rds out.

lastly...if you take a look closer you will find one thing that helps our earth. Can't forget about helping out our earth even if it's not Earth day.

Enjoy your hunts! Pin it! Print it! 

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