The other day the phone rings and shows up as my family Dr. office. I am a little caught off guard. I know I didn't miss any appointments so what now? I answer the phone and on the other end the nurse so sweetly says,
"Congratulations your pregnant! Your Doctor wants to send his congratulations"
I was in literally shock. You know the jaw dropping eyes as wide as they possibly can kind of shock. I'm pretty sure the poor nurse could sense it through the phone. I didn't quit know how to respond without making us both feel awkward. So it just fell out of my mouth as my voice trembled.
" I don't think I am. I'm pretty positive I'm not pregnant."
As a few seconds of silences broke which felt like forever. We were both stunned and I could sense her embarrassment. Yet I could tell she didn't really know what to say to me. Maybe she thought I was in denial? But truly I knew I was not pregnant since I have had my menstrual cycles every month. The nurse then replies to me on the phone.
"It states here you have not had a menstrual cycle since January from your neurologist charts. Is that not true.?
I started to laugh and finally the nurse did as well. The embarrassment was finally lifted through the phones. I replied to her,
" That is false. I have had one every month. Oh heavens don't scare me like that!" ( laughing)
I have to admit that was probably one of most strangest phone calls I've received thus far. Have you ever received a phone call that freaked you out in some way or another? I think I feel bad more for the nurse than I do myself. I cant imagine being in her shoes making that phone call.
Have you ever had something crazy silly that put you in shock ?
It wasn't a phone call but this popped into my mind. When I was sixteen, I was walking out to my car and some guy, mid 30's, drove up and stopped. I looked over at him and he rolled his window down and asked "have you seen any UFO's flying around?" He said it in such a normal nonchalant way I answered him right away with a "no".... and then he drive off. Kentwood can be wired sometimes, lol.
Oh my goodness - how funny (now that it's over - hahaha). Did the nurse ever explain how that kind of mixup could have happened? - so funny.
Oh my god! That would have really thrown me for a loop!
What? That had to have been the most awkward phone call ever!
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