Inside My Beauty Bag- 5 Facial Moisturizer Tips For Younger Skin

As I've had many birthdays pass and the birth of my three Daughters my facial skin has become dry. It's no longer that youthful skin. I now have to add some extra moisturizing to my daily routines. Honestly I am fine with that because the sooner we start taking action with our facial skin hopefully the wrinkles and aging will come even later. Us ladies can only hope right? 

Pictured below is my favorite face moisturizers currently. I have been using Insta Natural since this fall and all through this winter thus far. It does a wonder on my dry face. This winter has really been testing it out since it is one of our driest winters and coldest on record. Warm temperatures where are you already?! It even works great on my sensitive skin leaving it smooth, youthful looking, and brighter. Which all are positive things to look for in face moisturizer. What is your favorite to use? 

Here are some helpful daily facial moisturizing tips. 
1.) Moisturize in the mornings and at night before bed.
2.) A
lways wash your face before you moisturize.
3.) Find the right type of face moisturizer that fits your type of skin. 
4.) Don't forget to moisturize around your eyes. 
5.) It's never to early to start!

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