DIY Christmas Card Holder

I know it may be nearing the end of January and Christmas is no longer on our minds. In fact most of us probably have put the holidays on hold until next season.
I like to take down all our Christmas decor the day after Christmas. I know it makes me feel like a scrooge sometimes. But I just want my house back in order honestly. One thing I waited on taking down this year was our beautiful Christmas cards we received in the mail from our family and friends.

This year I did a little DIY to hang them up. With the hustle and bustle of the holidays I missed out on sharing it with my blog. Therefore I thought I'd share it now for next year. You may PIN this DIY on your pinterest and get a head start for next season.

Christmas Cards DIY Holder 
(Less than $6 Dollars) 

1. I bought my supplies from The Dollar Tree and Meijers. 

2. Supplies: Paint, Paint brush, Heavy duty yarn, Wood clothespins (The Dollar Tree) 

3. Paint the wood clothes pins. You may even use modge-podge and sprinkle glitter on top. Let dry. and your all set. So simple.

4. Hang up your heavy duty yarn. Now your all set to hang your Christmas cards on the yarn with the painted wooden clothes pints. 

What was your favorite part of your Christmas this year?

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