After School Snack Ideas

I don't know about you but once Monday through Friday hits I know I have to be prepared for those "after school snacks." My sweet little girls turn into hungry little tigers once school is let out. Coming up with different and fun snacks daily can get repetitive at times. Do you often catch yourself preparing the same snacks at times?

To keep things from getting repetitive and boring here is a fun after school snack that you can add with just about anything. Or even literally dip with just about anything. You may even just want a little taste on a spoon....seriously.

Reese's Spreades After School Snack
       How to prepare (below pictures)

1. Dip you spoon first and taste the first initial shock of goodness.
2. Next prepare the after school snack. Above is one of our many ways to eat the Reese's Spread.
3. Options to pair with the Reese's spread for snack time.
apple slices
4. lastly, enjoy!

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